Thursday, February 21, 2008

She called Best Buy about bomb, not 911,
but she's a wacko

Police say a woman called in a bomb threat to Best Buy in Vineland, New Jersey last week because she was angry about being banned from the store following a shoplifting charge filed the day before. Diane Gregor was charged with reporting a false public alarm and released on a summons pending court action.

Police found several employees outside of the building when they arrived at the store at 8:15 p.m. The full extent of the store's evacuation was unclear. Officers searched the store, but did not find an explosive device. An employee who took the call told police the caller sounded like a woman trying to sound like a man. The caller said, "There's a bomb in the store, and it's gonna go boom."

Manager Aamir Babar was asked if he had any recent problems with employees or customers. He immediately recalled Gregor was asked to leave the store earlier in the day because of a shoplifting incident the previous day, and police went to her house.

Police allegedly found Gregor seated in the kitchen of her home with a cellphone on the table. After she allowed police to come in, Gregor allegedly said, "I didn't call" before officers questioned her about the bomb threat.

Gregor allegedly yelled, "I didn't do it" several times before telling police she went to Best Buy earlier to buy a wire splitter for her computer, but was told to leave because she was involved in a shoplifting incident Monday.

During an additional interview at headquarters, Gregor allegedly admitted making the bomb threat because she was angry she was ordered out of the store. In Monday's incident, police charged Gregor with shoplifting a AC adaptor and resisting arrest. Gregor allegedly tried to kick out the window of a police car and tried to prevent an officer from handcuffing her. (info from

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