Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Kid made 911 prank call from daycare

Children who call 911 to get help in emergencies are getting younger and younger. So are the kids who call 911 for fun.

A man in New Hampshire learned that cellphones are bad toys for kids, even after they're deactivated.

The state's emergency call center got a report of a plane crash near Hudson, NH from a 911 caller who sounded like a child. The caller hung up immediately. There were no other reports from the public, so police assumed they were looking for a prankster, not a crash.

Investigators traced the call to a deactivated cellphone, and the owner said his six-year-old son had the phone at daycare. The child's teacher talked to the boy, and retrieved the phone from him. Police determined that the youngster did indeed place the call.

Fortunately for the phone's owner, Police Lieutenant Bob Tousignant wrote the incident off as a chance to teach the child about the proper use of 911. (info from

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